Grantee Spotlight: Roots Clinic

"We are so very appreciative of the support we are receiving from PHI. With assistance from PHI, we are able bring vaccines to neighborhoods that are often overlooked. Last Saturday, we held a pop-up clinic at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Palo Alto. The Pastor there was very grateful because he said many think Palo Alto doesn't need help and therefore most of the County's resources are centered in San Jose and the south county area. But as he said, 'There are a lot of Black folks in Palo Alto who need resources too.' He was so correct! When we arrived to set up an hour and a half before opening, the line was already extending around the corner, and 85-90% of the people were Black and Brown (AA and LatinX)."

- Alma Burrell, Roots Community Health Center

Watch the interview with the Pastor at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Palo Alto:


Grantee Spotlight: Jakara Movement


Death in the prime of life: Covid-19 proves especially lethal to younger Latinos